When you change your address, you can get your mail forwarded for a little while, but eventually you’ll need to let a lot of places know the old-fashioned way. We’ve put together a list to help you remember them.
Below, we’ve made a checklist you can use to remember all of the places that may need to know that you’ve changed addresses.

- Employer: Paychecks, Tax Forms, etc.
- PostOffice: Setup forwarding address
- Bank/CreditUnion
- Loan Issuers
- Credit Cards
- Student Loans
- Financial Aid
- Investments
- Health Insurance
- Dental Insurance
- life Insurance
- Car Insurance
- Homeowner/Renter’s Insurance
Utilities & Home Services
- Gas
- Water
- Power
- Internet/Cable
- Garbage
- Cell Phone Service
- Lawn Care
- Cleaning Service
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Children’s Physician
- Veterinarian
- Lawyer
- Babysitter
Memberships & Subscriptions
- Retail Clubs (Costco, Sam’s, Etc.)
- Churches
- Scouts/Youth Organizations
- Parent Teacher Associations
- Magazines
- Subscription Boxes
Government Agencies
- Department/Registry of Motor Vehicles
- Internal Revenue Service
- Voter Registration
- Social Security
- Citizenship and Immigration Services
- Department of Veteran Affairs
Online Services
- Shopping (Amazon, Etc.)
- Streaming Services
- Mapping Services (GoogleMaps, AppleMaps, Etc.)